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Sudden Influence – Ethical leadership in sport – 64 shots leadership in a crazy world kevin roberts chairman saatchi & saatchi – grit why passion and resiliace are the secets to success – the heat of the moment Life and Death decision making from a fire fighter – running like a girl alexandra heminsley – who moved my cheese – michael jordan the life – alex ferguson my autobiography one year on fully updated edition – ric charlesworth world’s best – working identity – the brain that changes itself Norman Doidge
Dave is a dedicated and experienced Personal Coach, Executive Coach and Learning and Development professional, who has over 20 years experience of supporting the development of individuals, organisations and communities.
As a skilled listener, Dave brings an objective view to his clients by acting as an external and informed “sounding board”. His coaching takes a calm and measured approach and is tailored to individual and organisational need. Furthermore, his style enables him to develop a unique relationship with his clients, which is both powerful and transformational.
Dave has worked with and for a number of high profile organisations including The Premier League, the England and Wales Cricket Board, BASF, Novartis Pharma, Morrisons PLC, UNICEF and UK sport (have a look at the ‘Our clients’ page for more information). Dave is experienced at working at a international, national and regional level.
Dave’s recent successes include designing and implementing an organisational culture change project including an innovative learning and development programme; coaching senior executives and sports people through career challenges and changes, supporting individuals facing redundancy and change; and supporting the development of Coach Developers within the sporting system.