Since starting my new role in September 2016 Dave has been a mentor for me. He has always been very professional and committed to his work, and provides a strategic well thought out approach. He is challenging yet manages to do this in a very relaxed and supportive style that brings others along on the journey. His emotional intelligence allows him to navigate through some of the more difficult political topics and he does this with a genuine understanding of different peoples perspectives. He is great at working through challenges and provides clarity for others around him. Finally he has become a friend and one that I hope to work with again in the future. Executive Coach in Harrogate and Leeds
I would like to congratulate the Education Office for having these sort of trainings (Emotional Intelligence). They should be a “must” in Novartis, and (Primeast Senior Consultant) Dave Levine is an amazing coach and facilitator.
I have had the pleasure of working with David for over 4 years across a number of projects. David leads by example and provides guidance using his excellent coaching skills to support and develop. He is well respected within the Performance team and has played a significant part in the department achieving its objectives. A key influencer and innovator, who can adapt seamlessly to a fast and fluid ever changing environment.
I have no hesitation in recommending David he would be a true asset.
Voltaire believes that we should “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” If this is so, Dave Levine is the crème de la crème!
I’ve had the pleasure of being mentored by Dave since 2014, during which time his deep domain knowledge and grounded wisdom has helped me immensely.
Viewing an issue from a different perspective, self-awareness development, understanding others, strategic planning, and cultivating a greater clarity of mind are just a few of the many benefits that I’ve gained from working with Dave.
His calm and centred disposition, coupled with his highly effective questioning techniques and timeless sage advice, makes Dave a mentor/coach possessing the necessary skills to spur personal growth in anyone and everyone.”
I can’t recommend Dave highly enough if you’re looking for someone who can optimise your potential.
Just when I thought I knew myself, Dave showed up and asked me a few questions. From that point on, with his support, I have realised that there is a lot more to be discovered by me about me.
In our six months programme Dave has managed to lead me into greater understanding of the importance of understanding myself in order to develop my leadership skills. I felt as if I was on an exciting treasure hunt. Thank you Dave for all your support!”
I was introduced to Dave through the England and Wales Cricket Board Level 4 Post Grad Dip Coaching award where Dave was appointed my mentor in 2011 by the ECB for the 2.5 year course.
His involvement in my coaching ‘journey’ also coincided with a challenging professional and personal period in my life. I have subsequently qualified as a Level 4 coach and strengthened my personal and professional profile considerably. The position I find myself in today I very much owe to Dave and the continued support, guidance that he has given me. More importantly I truly value the friendship we now enjoy. Our time together was always beneficial, stimulating and energising as without fail it helped me re-focus on my priorities and the future ahead. It was a great feeling to know that I had Dave with me to share the decisions, challenge my thinking but importantly offer his unwavering support.
Even now the Elite coaches course has concluded we still keep in regular contact and share stories. One of the good guys and If I was based in the UK I would employ him in an instant to help develop my coaching & support team. I would absolutely recommend Dave to anyone who is serious about developing themselves.
Dave Levine Testimonials Reviews
Having worked in Professional Men’s Cricket for over thirty years and now working similarly with England’s Women Cricketers you do develop a keen sense for those people that genuinely add value to what you do. Any environment that is looking to deliver results will rarely involve individuals who can clutter this objective.
I met David on a course some years ago and was immediately taken by his ability to put you at ease. He is like others in his field an excellent listener. What separates him is not only does he listen well he is able to quickly and effectively get to the real nub of a discussion or issue. If you work with him for any length of time you gradually begin to appreciate he is moving you seamlessly to the point where you have increased capability in decision making and effecting capable change. His skill is to allow you the space and time to arrive at solutions effectively and with an assurance that may previously have been blurred. From my own experience with him it felt as if I had moved on without feeling as though I had been helped. Yet when I reflected on this it would not have been possible in the time frame or on my own.
I have subsequently worked alongside him in work for the Premier League and witnessed, ‘through a different lens’, his positive impact on people working in a large organisation. We are all different, with various and likely diverse needs. Yet with David there is someone that not only works well with this he gets results in ways that are subtly presented yet hugely impactful. I cannot recommend him highly enough.
I have been working with Dave for the past 18 months and have found him to be an engaging, reflective coach/mentor who has helped me a great deal in balancing the demanding needs of elite coaching. Throughout our sessions I have gained insight and practical information that I have found easy to apply to my life to gain a happy and workable balance. I highly recommend Dave. Thank you!
I have known and worked with Dave Levine both informally and formally for over 12 years. Dave has provided coaching support for myself and a number of individuals throughout the organisation providing leadership, management and business development support.
The organisation and a number of individual departments have undergone significant change over the years and Dave played an integral part supporting the change and development of the business.
Dave is very personable and professional in his approach and is extremely positive and encouraging as he is keen to support business growth and performance improvement.
Knowing Dave as I do, I have no hesitation in recommending him to other clients
Dave is a great visionary and always looks for the positive in situations and people.
He was a great support to the organisation and made a real impact while he was with us, and now is greatly missed. He lead a number of projects and initiatives which have changed the culture of the organisation for the better.
With his knowledge, experience and personality I have no doubt The Summit Partnership will make a difference to so many organisations and individuals.
I definitely would recommend Dave to others. I would not be who I am today without him and his support and pearls of wisdom he has passed on.
David Levine has been my coach for the past five years. We have met regularly sometimes frequently and now upon my request every 3 or 4 months.
David has been an excellent coach for me, impacting upon my business vision and strategy my leadership and management of goals, processes and people. David has when required and appropriate also coached me successfully with related life goals and my life work balance.
Through gentle, incisive, firm and often illuminating questions and appropriate, sensitive and timely challenge David has enabled me to see patterns, opportunities, skills (at times areas for development) and the motivation and self belief to tackle difficult challenges and unhelpful habits and procrastinations.
David is naturally a very reflective coach – rarely pushing always encouraging and happy with silence and letting solutions ‘hang in the air’ for me to circle and triangulate my options, the consequences, benefits and actions I choose to take responsibility for.
David never appears to stick to a given or model of coaching – it always feels really bespoke and that there is huge professional care to help me and not a ‘process to be gone through’. I never feel indulged or patronised nor that he holds any value judgements beyond an excellent professional commitment to help me understand me and my business better and to feel confident, informed and energised to make the next steps.
I have had a number of coaches over many years. Dave has been my ‘longest serving’ and will continue to be an important part of ‘my team’ – my tool box for success.
It is for these reasons that I have no reservations what so ever in recommending him to you whole heartedly.
As Programme Associate for UNDP Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) Country Office, I have had a few yet very impactful coaching sessions with Dave under the Emotional Intelligence module of the Women Development Programme which I commenced end 2017. Of most significant importance is the outcome and tangible result these sessions have had on me personally and professionally. Suffice it to say, I have broken free from, for lack of a better word: baseless traditional and stereotypical ways of viewing both myself and others, and have grown to realise the imperativeness of living each day fully and giving maximum contribution through the daily effort that I put in. Dave really helped steer me in this regard, and his affirmative yet firm and objective style of coaching was very encouraging to me in terms of doing the required self-introspection and reflection as we went along; appreciating the value of my feelings and rationalisations and getting them to work for, rather than against, me. I have come to realise in sharper focus my strengths, and how to hone in on them in order to make them work for the greater good, other than having the natural tendency of leaning towards excuses of why things are not working, and in so doing not implementing the necessary changes and improvements. Mother Teresa said, “We may not be able to do great things, but we can all do small things with great love.” To this I would also add passion, which I have found comes through a renewed sense and appreciation of the contribution we individually bring, which is enhanced by taking personal leadership of ourselves, finding solutions to challenges that inhibit us from being the best that we can possibly be and having an assurance of the value that we bring. Ultimately, even though others may have opinions about us, Dave helped me to come to terms with the fact that it is entirely up to me to live the life I desire on my own terms through implementing the things that make me feel most motivated and desirous to make a positive difference around me, both at work and at home. Through the coaching sessions, I also learnt the absolute and vital need to be real and genuine at all times both with myself and with others, in order to be consistently authentic in thought, word and deed for the achievement of the best results (in whatever area of focus). Dave opened my mind up to the sheer power that this brings to a person’s life, and how this is a panacea against self-doubt and intimidation by others. In the final analysis, it was re-emphasised to me that the only limits that exist in my development are in the mind, and if these can be positively and objectively addressed then they cannot continue to hinder my progress and realisation of my goals.
Having Mr. David Levine as my mentor has helped me to work it out through the course materials of emotional intelligent (practicing self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and management) and effective guidance. Mr Dave makes me identify many good things about me and put things right, nonetheless, knowing myself and the society was the greatest thing ever. This has led me to believe in me in the first place and make others believe and trust me through my commitment and actions. I am more self-confident, and I now advocate for my clients and to negotiate for what I want and it’s successful. I am managing my time effectively and have improved my communication with my managers and co-workers. Mr Dave has been an inspiration to me. If I will be given a chance to choose my mentor in my study journey, I will rather have Mr. Dave.
Dave Levine Testimonials Reviews
Dave Levine Testimonials Reviews
I first met Dave when I was involved in the ECB Level 4 program. This is a course run by the ECB Elite Coaching Program in conjunction with the University of Gloucestershire. Dave’s role was to support me in a mentoring role.
He was always available for a catch up over the phone or a longer face to face chat with anything regarding work, life and in particular the course. It is fair to say I was nervous and apprehensive about the academic side of the course having not done any study since my school days.
What Dave was great at for me was simplifying the process I was going to need to complete the course from an academic side. I’ll admit, I was a bit lost with it all however after every coffee catch up with Dave I was very optimistic. There were times I was thinking about pulling the pin on the course and I am certain that without Dave to reassure me and help with a “plan of attack”, I would not have managed.
What Dave did well was not sugar coat anything- at the appropriate times he told me straight, “this is what you are going to need to do and I’m here to help you.” This is where his advice was valuable. When I was looking for an easier way, he sensed that and was straight with me in an honest and respectful way. I am very thankful for his support through this period and could not have got through without him.
Dave is an excellent communicator who you feel at ease with talking to about anything. I would not hesitate in recommending him to anyone wanting mentoring and life skills coaching.
Over a period of several years, Dave has delivered mentoring and Leadership Development programmes for coaches involved in elite cricket, with outstanding results.
In addition, his role as an executive coach has been significant in supporting and challenging me in the delivery of my role.
Dave is an exceptional coach and mentor and I would strongly recommend him to any senior manager or leader seeking to accelerate their performance
I’d like to recommend Dave Levine as a skilled and experienced ‘people person’ with excellent insight and good strategic instincts. I worked with him on a number of occasions, finding him both knowledgeable and supportive, with a wealth of strings to his bow.
Dave Levine Testimonials Reviews
I was a 53 year old golf coach enrolled on a UK coaching Aspire programme with some very specific needs when I was first fortunate enough to have Dave Levine assigned to be my mentor.
From our first meeting it was clear to me we would work well together and he would challenge me to improve as a coach and help me develop a better understanding of how to work with a team and manage athletes in a team.
Having lost four semi finals in a row I needed help and guidance and Dave set me some specific tasks and strategies to help give athletes freedom to express themselves at the appropriate time in a highly demanding environment.
The rest is history. We have won the last two European Championships and the contribution Dave has made to the team and myself was invaluable.
Over the last two years I have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time getting to know Dave. The hours he has spent travelling to see me for what could be a 20 minute chat was never any trouble. What I really love about Dave is his ability to listen. His knowledge and skill to interact with people are real attributes of his but putting them all together with the listening is what made the sessions fun and authentic.
Thanks mate,
David has been working with Middlesbrough over the past years as a Professional Skills Tutor supporting, guiding and advising the Club’s Elite Coaches Apprenticeship Scheme students. Throughout that time David has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the working environment. His work with the students has been invaluable enabling them to graduate in the Premier League’s Elite Coaches Scheme.
He has also been of great assistance to everyone in the Academy in terms of personal development and professional advice. From a personal point of view he is someone I feel I can trust implicitly and someone I often refer to for guidance and advice on staff development.
David has vast experience working in many sporting and business fields and I would certainly recommend him to anyone wishing to enhance their own operation.
If you need any further details please do not hesitate to ask.
I first met Dave as part of British Gymnastics High Performance Coach programme. Having never had a mentor before I was unsure what to expect and whether I needed or would gain anything form the support. We made an instant connection and Dave illustrated the importance of good communication skills and why having someone there to challenge and reflect with is extremely powerful.
He was a huge help through my time at Gymnastics and because of his skills and experience in Cricket we have continued our relationship into my new role at Cricket Scotland.
Dave is an exceptional skills as a coach and mentor and I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking to progress themselves gaining input form a different perspective.
Dave is passionate about learning and development. He continuously strives to improve himself and is an accomplished relationship builder.
His openess, excellent questioning and listening skills allow him to build up rapport with ease with business partners and friends alike.
He has great insight and I have no hesitation in recommending him as a coach and mentor or as someone who could custom build a learning and development programme for an organisation.
I first met Dave at the beginning of my ECB Level 4 advanced coaching course and it didn’t take long for us to form a good relationship. Although i had worked with many coaches previously, these were mostly geared towards cricket specific development. Dave’s role throughout the level 4 process was to act as a ‘lifestyle coach’, helping us with any concerns we had throughout the completion of the course.
I first met Dave at a challenging time of my life. I had just retired from professional cricket, embarking on ‘life in the real world’, had a young family to support and financial commitments to fulfil. I appreciated Dave’s genuine interest and authenticity, he made it very easy for me to talk things through. A good listener, with a dictionary of thought provoking questions, he helped me enormously to find the confidence and clarity in life after professional sport.
Inspirational Podcast Sport Stories – The Summit Partnership (
I would like to thank you for your coaching sessions, The sessions were very beneficial, your coaching support had a great result for improving my skills.
I thank you for your valuable contribution & for your time and experiences.
Dave provided consistent support and knowledge in his role as my mentor during the ECB Level 4 Coaching Course.
I first met Dave in a professional capacity as a mentor during my ECB Level 4 Master Coach and Diploma in Professional and Personal Development course through the University of Gloucestershire. Dave helped me enormously with both the requirements of the course but more importantly as a person. He is very relaxed, unobtrusive, easy to converse with and an exceptional listener. Nothing was too much trouble. Dave would always respond promptly to any query and gave me the confidence to try new things. Dave has excellent reflective skills and allowed me to choose my own path instilling the belief that whatever happens it will be ok. Dave has the ability to challenge your ‘thinking’ in a super positive manner.
As the National Coach in Jersey, Dave ran some emotional intelligence workshops for the leadership group with me. The group responded favourably and at the completion developed awareness skills as a group but importantly as individuals.
Dave has worked as a mentor with individuals and companies from many diverse backgrounds and draws upon his knowledge to develop people. Dave is not only a valuable mentor but a friend
I got to know Dave as my playing career came to a premature end. I found Dave to be supportive, understanding, challenging and honest in our discussions. Dave has an excellent manner and good knowledge of coaching and people development. Furthermore, he demonstrates a good and clear understanding of the challenges, opportunities and issues that a professional sports person faces both during and after their careers. I have really valued and enjoyed the development of our relationship and wish Dave and The Summit Partnership every success for the future. I genuinely believe that what they do, can and will make a difference for individuals and organisations in looking to fulfil their potential.
I just would like to say thank you for your time, friendly and professional support on the topics which were discussed during our personal meeting.
I was really happy to hear your positive feedback .
Thanks for your time again.
I have really enjoyed working with Dave as he provided a really good sounding board to discuss my development as a coach as well as any issues I came across. I found that Dave used effective questioning techniques to get me thinking and to encourage reflection on my current practices and experiences. This helped me to move forward with certain areas of my development.
I first engaged with Dave when I was really keen to further develop myself as a senior leader and to be clear on my future career objectives. Up until engaging with Dave I had struggled to get clarity on what I wanted and I used the coaching sessions with Dave to create that clarity.
Trust and mutual respect are essential in the coaching space and from day one Dave’s relaxed and positive presence made me feel very at ease and able to explore my thoughts without fear of judgement or consequence. Dave has a great ability to know when to choose the right intervention and to find the balance of when and how much challenge or support is required. A great listener, Dave will also ask the key ‘thought provoking’ question that enables a deeper understanding or a completely different perspective to enter the discussion. In addition Dave is able to gently flex between mentoring and coaching to fulfill the potential of every coaching session. I found that Dave’s positivity in sessions helped to build confidence and self belief in my evolving plans. Through our coaching sessions together, Dave has successfully helped me navigate to where I wanted to be at the end of the sessions but in reflecting on the process, this has been achieved by Dave being very authentically himself and being genuinely interested in my learning journey and my own experiences of the process.
Finally, I would not hesitate to recommend Dave to anyone who is serious about developing themselves as his calm, supportive and professional manner really energised me to follow through on discussions that I had with Dave and to have the confidence to act upon my plans.