Being Uncomfortable, Reminders, IKIGAI

November 27, 2024

The Power of 3

Your Wednesday Wisdom!

27 November 2024

An Activity To Do / A Question To Consider / An Idea To Ponder

To Be More Of Your Real Self With Skill And Brilliantly Lead Others

Brought to you by Dave Levine
The Summit Partnership
Working With You To Reach Your Summit

1 Activity To Do

Be comfortable being uncomfortable this week.

Throughout the week, I want you to embrace the opportunity of being uncomfortable. 

Identify 3 situations, projects or conversations and stretch yourself and notice how it feels.

Be conscious that this is what you are striving to do.

Challenge yourself.

This is where the stretch and learning is.

Aim to sit with the uncomfortableness for a while and recognize the benefits and value.

Capture your response during and after the experience…. As this will help next time you are in that similar position.

(I want to thank the team and 2 coaching clients this week that I have worked with that have explored and demonstrated sitting with uncomfortableness in the pursuit of excellence and high performance)



1 Question For You

This week it is a simple question yet could be profound…

Identify 3 people that you either work with or surround yourself with.

Ask yourself…

Who do these people remind me of from when I was young?

They may be from within my family, school, childhood clubs or something similar.

What is it about them and their behaviours that resonates, and how are these behaviours playing out today for me?

(Thanks to EK for embracing the question and making the connections. What a fabulous coaching session it was!)



1 Idea To Consider

This week, consider the concept of Ikigai.

It is the Japanese concept of “reason for being”. It invites us to explore the intersection of what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs, and what we can be rewarded for.

It’s not just about finding purpose but living it in alignment with our passions and contributions to others.

As Howard Thurman said:

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

So, ponder what lies at the heart of your own ikigai? How can you begin to align your daily actions with what truly makes you come alive?

(Thanks to IW and SMQ for providing the opportunity to explore Ikigai personally and help others do so too)




Quote of The Week

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”

Nelson Mandela

Enjoy your week and notice the ‘journeys you return from’!



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