The Power of 3
Your Wednesday Wisdom!
22 May 2024
An Activity To Do / A Question To Consider / An Idea To Ponder
To Be More Of Your Real Self With Skill And Brilliantly Lead Others
Brought to you by Dave Levine
The Summit Partnership
Working With You To Reach Your Summit
1 Activity To Do
Each day this week…
Do these 3 things that will enhance your productivity by reducing the ‘distraction’ of your phone.
- Don’t look at your phone until at least 30 minutes after you have woken up and got out of bed.
- Turn your phone to grayscale/sleep mode during working hours so it is not as appealing to look at.
- During the work day be disciplined. Set your alarm for 12 noon and again at 12.30. This is an allocated time for which you can look at your phone. The rest of the time, set your phone to silent and or airplane mode – so it’s of no real use to you.
(Thanks to a few family members and insights from the web to get me to think and take action. It’s about being disciplined. The impact on personal well-being and awareness is amazing!)
1 Question For You
Ask yourself this each day this week…
What role does acceptance play in my ability to navigate loss and change?
Loss and change are constants and a definite experience we will have.
Capture your reflections and thoughts but also write down some specific actions you could take to explore this question further to benefit you.
(Thanks to the group I worked with in Ireland last week for embracing the emotion and conversation. Thanks also to the many clients I have that are facing challenging and changing times, who have proved to be the stimulus for my thinking)
1 Idea To Consider
“The world will ask you who you are, and if you don’t know, the world will tell you.”
Carl Jung said this.
Consider how the world is asking you who you are, and also how and what is the world telling you?
Give this some time and consider it deeply.
Capture your reflections and consider how you may deepen your understanding of yourself.
(I must thank two clients I have spoken with this week, SS and PG, who have really leaned into this idea.)
Quote of The Week
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”.
African Proverb
Enjoy the week ahead…
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“The Power Pack”
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(It is a powerful watch!)