The Power of 3
Your Wednesday Wisdom!
12 June 2024
An Activity To Do / A Question To Consider / An Idea To Ponder
To Be More Of Your Real Self With Skill And Brilliantly Lead Others
Brought to you by Dave Levine
The Summit Partnership
Working With You To Reach Your Summit
1 Activity To Do
Each day this week…
Navigate through the day, noticing your value.
When interacting with family, friends and colleagues ask yourself what value do I bring to the situation. Make note of it. Capture your value!
Building a habit of recognizing and valuing your value is key.
Appreciating your value is a catalyst for many things and will guide how you interact and turn up in your relationships.
(This is an odd one – but I want to thank the client who turned up not ready and prepared for our coaching session. It challenged me and my value of myself and the value of my time. It also raised questions about how they value time and relationships.)
1 Question For You
Ask yourself each day this week…
What’s something could I benefit from caring less about?
I often ask this of my clients and explore the idea that, in some instances, caring less may help performance and benefit you?
Don’t forget to capture your insights and, more importantly, take action – and care less! (Don’t be careless!)
1 Idea To Consider
Productivity – Consider what this mean to you? How might the speed and pace that you work impact on your idea of being productive?
“Your overall productivity depends on the balance between productive and unproductive elements in your life. While much effort is often placed on increasing output, significant gains can be made by reducing obstacles. A car moves faster not just by pressing the accelerator, but also by removing the speed bumps and obstacles.”
Now consider the concept of slow productivity and pseudo productivity and the links with quality?
(An interesting book by Carl Newport and conversations with MS and NB this week have been the energy behind this thinking! Thanks!)
Quote of The Week
“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it. Carry it by the comfortable handles of gratitude for what’s positive……, rather than the uncomfortable edges of bitterness for the negatives.”
Lena Horne
Until next week…..
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Reimagining the actual value of your time
Brian Nelson-Palmer