The Power of 3
Your Wednesday Wisdom!
09 October 2024
An Activity To Do / A Question To Consider / An Idea To Ponder
To Be More Of Your Real Self With Skill And Brilliantly Lead Others
Brought to you by Dave Levine
The Summit Partnership
Working With You To Reach Your Summit
1 Activity To Do
This week, make an effort to speak to at least 3 people you do not know…
Make a first impression.
Well, if you do not know them, it WILL BE a first impression.
Be purposeful and conscious of the impression you wish to make.
What would you like them to say about you?
Notice how you do it and what impression you make.
Reflect on how it went and what you would do again or do differently next time.
(Thanks to the long distance cyclist (ES) I met in the park and the 2 groups I worked with this week for giving me many opportunities to ‘Make A First Impression’)
1 Question For You
Each day this week ask yourself…
Am I holding my ideas and goals too tightly?
What are the negative consequences of doing so….?
If so, why not hold them LIGHTLY!
Relaxing those white knuckles gives your ideas and goals the breathing room to unfold and show you what they want to be.
You can then decide what to hold on to and let go of.
Capture your reflections on how it feels to consciously hold your ideas or goals more lightly.
(Thanks to AC for many great conversations and for sharing his positive stories about ‘holding lightly’. Powerful insights! Thanks )
1 Idea To Consider
This week (and always!) consider who is watching you….
I was crossing the road at a traffic light.
I was in a big group, next to a man with his young son.
The red man was showing. There was a break in the cars and all but a few started to cross…..
Dad says to young boy ‘Wait for the green man – son!’
‘Why’ says the young boy. ‘Everyone is crossing!’
What example or role model do you play? Who is watching you?
How do you want to be seen and spoken about by others?
How broad is your influence and what message do you leave with you actions?
Such a simple situation.
Do you really consider what is going on and for whom? Consider the message you convey, and implications of your actions.
Dad explained what he believed is ‘right’ and waited for the green man before crossing.
What a thought-provoking opportunity it was whilst walking through the town on a Saturday morning. Thanks to the dad and his son – albeit I do not know them!)
Quote of The Week
“Integrity is doing the right things, even when no one is watching”
C.S. Lewis
Enjoy the week ahead…
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How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work
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