The Power of 3
Your Wednesday Wisdom!
16 October 2024
An Activity To Do / A Question To Consider / An Idea To Ponder
To Be More Of Your Real Self With Skill And Brilliantly Lead Others
Brought to you by Dave Levine
The Summit Partnership
Working With You To Reach Your Summit
1 Activity To Do
This week take yourself back in time…
Find yourself a couple of hours and watch an old favorite feel good film.
Notice and appreciate the feelings this brings up in you.
Enjoy and value the time you give yourself to stop and pause. Capture how it makes you feel.
(I watched the original Top Gun… I was amazed at what I remembered and what memories it evoked in me and, ultimately, how it left me feeling)
1 Question For You
This week ask yourself….
Who do I compare myself to and how is this helpful or indeed not so helpful?
President Rooservelt apparently said ‘Comparison is the thief of joy’
What do you think?
Capture your reflections as you usually would.
(Thanks to a number of social media posts, RH and two clients this week that have shone a light on the impact of comparing oneself to another)
1 Idea To Consider
This week consider the domino effect….
The domino effect is a chain reaction that occurs when one event sets off a series of similar, related or connected events.
Where have you noticed this playing out this week on a global scale?
Now consider on a personal level where it has played out.
What role have you played and what choice do you have?
The effect can compound both positively or negatively.
(Having watched the news, spoken with coaching clients about cause and effect, and visited many hospitals recently, I have noticed the domino effect at play.)
Quote of The Week
“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation.
He hardly knows which is which.
He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing.
To himself, he always appears to be doing both.”
L. P. Jacks, British educator, philosopher, and Unitarian minister
Have a brilliant week and I look forward to having you with me next week!
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